Friday, January 30, 2009

Cross-Stitching Photos and other science fiction crafts

From my Twitter updates

For those who want a realistic cross stitch of a photo, there is a program sold at
enter any photo and it is converted into a cross stitch grid.
2:43 PM Jan 30th from web

The Cross Stitcher website also has free patterns of celebrities-
2:44 PM Jan 30th from web

I am working on the pattern of David Tennant, The Doctor in Doctor Who-
2:45 PM Jan 30th from web

This month the site has provided a pattern of Barack Obama to celebrate his presidential inauguration-
2:53 PM Jan 30th from web
    On eBay some vendors have made photo cross-stitch charts of David Tennant and a Dalek.  Characters from other series are also available, like Star Wars' Boba Fett, Jedi and Sith.  For knitters, there is the free Dalek pattern called EXTERMIKNIT! and the sites Crafty TARDIS and Geek Crafts also have various projects on display.  These sites show that anything in time and space can be depicted with a variety of crafting methods.

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